This course is designed to give the serious sophomore
level student an in-depth look at the of the field of psychology
as a science and way of knowing. Although its content area concerns
the study of human behavior, the principals are applicable to most
any area of scientific inquire. This course is designed to teach
many of the concepts needed to understand, conduct, and interpret
common experiments in psychology and related fields.
This course is designed around several objectives: First, to teach
students what it means to explain or understand behavior and how
and why psychologists rely on the scientific method for studying
human behavior. Second, to expose the student to the varieties
of procedures and measures available for the study of human behavior.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a central objective of this
class is to help the student gain an appreciation of psychology,
in particular, and of all the sciences, in general, by focusing
as much on the discovery process of science as on the results.