Dept. of Psychology
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 940-9266

Robert J. Padgett, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Butler University

Faculty Historic Website


This is an older front end website for my courses, research, and other professional materials. Here you will find a variety of (but mostly out-of-date) information and materials relevant to my classes, research and related work at Butler University.

What's here:

A variety of materials and web-based tools to support my courses
An overview of my research program and research materials
Professional materials and abbreviated vita
Schedule and contact information

Use the navigation menu to locate what you need. General information about Butler University and the Department of Psychology are available on their respective sties. All materials on this site are for provided for use by individuals associated with Butler University. Any other use requires permission of Robert J. Padgett.






Copyright 2011 - Robert J. Padgett - All Rights Reserved


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